2005-11-23 Good Witch of the South
2005-09-22 Wharf Over Rocks by Eastty
2005-05-31 Belfast Bridges by Mabee
2005-12-13 Connor Competes by Cassidy
2005-09-07 Old Broadway from Scholhamer
2005-02-16 Gingerbread and Snow by Brockway
2005-03-04 Watching Sunset
2005-01-27 Mooring Field by Vlodek
2005-09-30 Eagle Over the Beach by Bradford
2005-01-07 Concert in the Park
2005-03-21 Sharp Ice by Lojek
2005-01-19 Summer Race on Mainstay III by Coughlin
2005-10-03 Lobster Wharf at Owls Head by Sherman
2005-11-03 Noreaster by Linn
2005-02-14 Colonial Gables by Dibble
2005-06-29 Anonymous Jumper by Smith
2005-07-21 First Light Second Day by Lojek
2005-12-22 Hampton Falls Santa by Samway
2005-12-29 Belfast Harbor by Coughlin
2005-02-03 Bayside Friends by Lojek
Anthony Malone, Tory Reilly and Stephen Prachaseri
2005-09-27 Float and Flowers by Bradford
2005-03-23 Natures Canvas by Mabee
2005-05-12 View Back to Belfast by Smith
2005-12-23 Christmas Wharf 1987 by Samway
2005-04-14 Auditorium Park Sunset by Lojek
2005-08-29 Port of Gold by Mabee
2005-10-04 Controlled Burn by Zittle
2005-03-01 Moose on Norway Lake by Bradford
2005-09-08 Basketball by Eastty
2005-04-08 Outgoing Tide by Fitzgerald
Charlie Crossman by Grandmother Susan Fitzgerald
2005-03-28 Poker Chips by Lojek
Rainy Day Poker Game: Dana Kaziloinis, Heather Eastty, Stephen Prachaseri, Tory Reilly, Anthony Malone and Christy Weisenbach
2005-04-20 Goodbye Winter by Vlodek
This car is at the Irving station heading into Belfast.
2005-09-19 Wharf in Fog 2
2005-11-25 Terry Samway and Grandkids
2005-03-18 Bayside Cottages by Scholhamer
These cottages belong (left to right): Smith, “Off Broadway (Blocks), and “Breaking Wind” (Scholhamers)
2005-09-02 Little River Bridge
2005-04-02 Terry and the Pope
2005-03-16 Standing Ready by Lee Webster
2005-08-23 Swinging Elmo by Crowe
2005-06-02 Beach Sentinel by Smith
2005-11-09 Ready for Winter by Vlodek
2005-11-22 From a Cottage Window by Scholhamer
2005-03-03 Sarah by Grindle
2005-07-26 Hazy Day on Cadillac Mountain by Sherman
2005-02-01 Civil Engineers by Crosby
2005-10-25 Flags by Dugal
2005-04-04 Stan Stalla in Darfur
This is a picture of Stan with some boys of Habila in Darfur, with a typical house in the background. It is 120+ degrees. The village is composed of women and children–no men. The men have either been murdered, or they have fled in search of jobs.
2005-10-28 Bayside Moonrise by Malvoso
2005-01-05 Bayside Classic Seascape by Maass
2005-07-28 View from Between by Baker
2005-05-20 Broadway Cottages by Stables
2005-06-30 Launching Wings of Grace by Freeman
Wings of Grace at French & Webb on the morning of launch day.
2005-10-18 Coughlin Clan by Robbins
Jim & Jean Coughlin, with sons Chris & John by Colleen Geagan Robbins
2005-05-13 First Windjammer Leaving Belfast by Bradford
2005-02-15 After the Snow by Plummer
2005-06-03 Sunny Skies at Last by Vlodek
2005-06-20 Springtime by Samway
2005-11-29 Lazy Bayside Afternoon by Scholhamer
Judy Scholhamer with sons Luke and Bradley engaged in Bayside’s No. 1 activity. (Or should I say inactivity
2005-06-01 First Boat In by Vlodek
2005-11-18 Happy Birthday America by Corbett
Polly Corbett by Nancy Corbett
2005-11-11 Happy Birthday Danny
2005-11-15 Traveling Plans by Lojek
2005-11-02 Lobster Rescue by Cassidy
2005-09-14 Bayside Boys by Huntoon
2005-04-12 Slippery Wharf by Gilmore
2005-10-12 Swim Float Jump by Lojek
2005-06-08 Websters at Bonfire by Cassidy
2005-10-06 Juxtaposition by Stalla
2005-09-06 Boat Rescuers by Cassidy
2005-07-09 2005 Chowda Cookoff Winners by Sprock
2nd Place: Nicomus and Katie Hall; 1st Place: Diana Audette; 3rd Place (Tie): Susan Spollett and Mary Ellen Taylor
2005-07-12 The Bonfire Begins by Sprock
2005-08-17 Baking Cookies
2005-01-25 Signpost by Scholhamer
2005-08-03 View from Auditorium Park by Sherman
2005-12-02 Friendly Chipmunk by Vlodek
2005-12-25 Fresh Snow for Christmas by Crosby
2005-02-02 Full Moon Over Penobscot by Bradford
2005-12-06 A Maine Tradition by Smith
2005-02-11 Frozen Leg Warmers by Freeman
2005-01-03 Beauty in December by Lojek
2005-05-10 First Surise of May by Samway
2005-06-28 Storms Coming by Lojek
2005-05-03 December Sunrise by Lojek
2005-09-29 Bay Street Postcard from Hubert
From the collection of Ursula Hubert
2005-07-09 Packed House at Chowda Cookoff by Sprock
2005-06-13 June Sunrise by Sherman
2005-12-14 Surrounding the Tree by Lojek
2005-02-17 December Sunrise by Lojek
2005-11-04 Elevated Raft by Vlodek
2005-02-09 The Big Chill by Lacoste
2005-03-14 Charlie on the Beach by Fitzgerald
Charlie Crossman by Grandmother Susan Fitzgerald
2005-09-23 White Cloud by Cassidy
2005-08-12 Belle Fast Gig by Bradford
2005-06-14 Belfast Tugs by Smith
2005-08-01 Waited all Winter for This by Higgins
2005-07-08 Ultralight Over Bayside
2005-02-24 Evening Tide by Scholhamer
2005-05-24 Graduates by Sherman
2005-07-29 Relaxed on Sunday by Sprock
2005-02-04 Bonfire by Crosby
2005-12-30 Fun Race Finale by Kelly
Jake and Charlie enjoy Sharlene’s efforts
2005-08-10 Swim Float at Dusk
2005-05-11 Ducktrap River by Lojek
2005-06-17 Playground by Fitzgerald
Charlie Crossman and his mother, Megan Crossman by Grandmother Susan Fitzgerald
2005-11-24 Thanksgiving in Bayside
2005-05-19 Bayside Chit Chat by Smith
2005-01-04 Marooned by Scholhamer
2005-04-21 Catfishing by Smith
2005-11-08 Downed Tree by Cassidy
2005-10-26 Riding Rough by Mabee
2005-04-28 Seaweed by Fitzgerald
2005-06-10 Winter Sea Glass by Lojek
2005-07-22 Windjammer by Robbins
Colleen Geagan Robbins
2005-09-20 Rearview Reflections by Lojek
2005-08-31 Early Bird Catches the Worm by Lojek
2005-03-08 Long Day Fishing by Lojek
my niece Delia Williams (3 years old) after she been fishing on the pier in Bayside
2005-09-13 Morning Catch by Eastty
2005-04-05 Coasties by Coughlin
Kris Coughlin getting his E-5 pin somewhere in the Caribbean, aboard the Coast Guard ship the “Harriet Lane”
2005-12-09 Belfast Bridge Postcard from Hubert
From the collection of Ursula Hubert
2005-10-19 End of the Season by Sherman
2005-05-17High Tide at Dawn by Samway
2005-03-07 Angelica by Smith
2005-11-16 Lonely Sunrise by Fitzgerald
2005-01-11 Christmas in Belfast by Cassidy
2005-08-04 Waterview Nest by Vlodek
2005-08-18 August Afternoon in Bayside
2005-09-01 High Tide at High Noon by Higgins
2005-12-08 Daisy and the Buoys by Smith
2005-01-28 Morning Catch by Maass
2005-10-10 Cassidys Find Something
2005-08-08 Pancake Servers
2005-10-05 Bayside Sunset by Scholhamer
2005-01-13 Taking Mom for a Sail by Sprock
2005-10-13 Samways Keep Walking
2005-10-17 Relaxing at Marshalls Cove by Kelly
Kellys at Marshalls Cove
2005-04-11 Al Keiths Boat by Robbins
2005-11-28 Shore Road Eagles
2005-03-31 Bayside Girls of the Fifties by Higgins
“Bayside Girls of the Fifties, reunited” featuring Betsey (Davis) Tutein; Sandra (Davis) Mather; and Ruth (Granston) Higgins–on the Davis cottage porch , George St, summer, 2004.
2005-07-07 Lyn Samway and Kids by Webster
2005-01-31 Collectors Day by Sherman
2005-01-21 Icy Tanker by Cassidy
2005-07-27 Bottles in Window by Higgins
2005-04-01 Seven Days Till Spring by Krulis
2005-11-10 Built to Last by Lacoste
2005-03-24 Closed for the Season by Lojek
2005-03-25 Sparkle by Fitzgerald
2005-05-25 Sunset by Fitzgerald
2005-07-18 Setting Moorings by Vlodek
2005-05-04 The Ghost of the Bobo by Smith
From out of the past – The Bobo and sister ship in background
2005-02-25 Lincolnville Construction by Lojek
2005-06-06 Windjammer by Vlodek
2005-05-27 Crofoot Gate by Spollett
2005-11-14 Pulling Moorings by Vlodek
2005-05-06 Pattie-Blaisdell Cottage by Scholhamer
2005-07-20 The Beach Buoys by Smith
2005-08-05 Belfast After Sunset by Sherman
2005-01-18 Real Secret Water by Lojek
2005-08-22 Bayside Exposure by Leaming
EXPOSURE: Ben Jordan, center, of the Maine Photographic Workshop school in Rockport, explains the process of a pin-hole camera to sunbathing teenagers that were the subjects of a photograph on the wharf at Bayside Village in Northport on Saturday.
2005-08-19 Silver Moon by Sherman
2005-03-22 Seasmoke by Conner
2005-03-15 Watching the Grass Grow by Smith
2005-12-28 Bayside Christmas by Gilmore
2005-12-05 Merchandise Man by Trenholm
2005-05-26 South Shore Scenic by Smith
From between Brezzy point and Romes cottage
2005-07-19 Searching for the Perfect Photo by Sprock
2005-06-23 Phoenix Rising by Sherman
2005-06-09 Calm Water by Baker
2005-09-09 Evening Fog by Cassidy
2005-08-16 Anyone Got A Motor by Cassidy
2005-08-02 Race Starter Apprentices by Sprock
This was taken during the Rockland race series. Lindsay was showing these young girls how to signal the race participants. Fortunately the girl holding the can could not depress the button and deafen the photographer.
2005-07-14 Moose Point Sunrise by Bradford
2005-12-07 December Sunrise by Lojek
2005-11-07 Colors of Fall by Fitzgerald
2005-09-10 Round Islesboro Race Start by Bradford
2005-10-27 Big River by Mabee
2005-09-12 America the Beautiful by Baker
2005-05-02 Little River Bridge
2005-08-11 Coastal Living by Scholhamer
2005-03-30 Belfast Boat Slip by Smith
2005-01-06 When The Wharf Freezes Over by Lojek
2005-04-07 Thawing Out by Rohweder
2005-07-15 Framed by the Trunks by Lojek
2005-12-27 Zap by Robbins
Colleen Geagan Robbins
2005-12-21 Hands by Stalla
2005-11-17 Down on the Wharf from Huntoon
2005-02-28 Reflecting Pool by Scholhamer
2005-11-01 Wheres the Body by Webster
2005-02-18 George Streeet in the Snow by Brockway
2005-12-15 Llamas by Closter
2005-09-16 Bruce and Mike by Cassidy
2005-07-06 Bayside Dawn by Smith
2005-04-13 April Showers by Mabee
2005-04-25 Jon and Grampie by Coughlin
A familiar sight on Bluff Road, Jim Coughlin Sr., mowing the grass with help from his grandson Jonathan.
2005-01-24 Leisure Smoke by Mabee
2005-02-23 Frozen Balls by Lojek
2005-10-20 Crotch Island Rubble
2005-08-09 Stonington Sentries
2005-01-12 Lisa Trish and Sally
2005-06-15 Big Sky by Crosby
2005-10-14 Secret Water Crew by Hall
2005-05-16 On the Beach by Smith
I think this is Arent and George Jenkins fish house
2005-09-26 Jumpers by Corbett
2005-04-06 Where Have All The Boats Gone by Lojek
2005-02-21 Gloomy Dawn by Scholhamer
2005-02-07 Bayside Blizzard by Dugal
2005-12-16 Admiring the View by Webster
2005-06-21 The Rain in Maine by Samway
2005-07-11 Just Part of the Samway Clan by Sprock
2005-12-20 Jims New Boat by Fuller
2005-10-31 Rockport Halloween by Cassidy
2005-10-07 Schooner by Cassidy
2005-12-19 Wrapped for Christmas by Lojek
2005-09-21 Dont Ask Why by Cassidy
2005-02-10 Library in Winter by Samway
2005-12-12 First Snowfall by Kennedy
2005-06-27 The Kids Are Back in Town by Lojek
Emerson Smith, Bailey Lojek, Corinna ?, Jeff Facey and Dale Spollett
2005-03-09 National Toboggan Races by Lacoste
2005-01-10 Cant Wait for Summer by Sprock
2005-09-28 Spollett Chili Party by Samway
2005-07-13 Coming About by Cabral
2005-03-17 Samway Cottage by Samway
2005-09-10 Round Islesboro Race by Stalla
2005-08-30 Big Blue by Grace
2005-10-11 Castine Cruise by Kelly
Jake and Charlie Kelly take their Aunt Nancy and Uncle Bruce Montgomery to Castine
2005-04-27 At the Union Fair by Smith
2005-06-16 Ned Lightner by Lojek
2005-02-08 Bayside Glacier by Vlodek
2005-05-18 Lonesome Bouys by Lojek
2005-12-01 Good Night Moon by Lojek
2005-11-21 Good Start by Malvoso