Northport Village Corporation

The legal name of Bayside, Maine is the Northport Village Corporation (NVC). The NVC is governed by a board of seven overseers, a president, a secretary, and a treasurer, elected to staggered three-year terms at the annual meeting, which occurs on the second Tuesday of August. The overseers typically meet once per month.  Click the buttons below to find minutes of the NVC’s Board of Overseers and committees and to download the NVC’s charter and bylaws.

The NVC anticipates launching its website in the summer of 2021.  Stay tuned!

Contact the NVC by phone (207-338-0751), by email (, or by mail (813 Shore Road, Northport, ME 04849).

Northport Village Corporation

Disclaimer: This website is not administered by either the Northport Village Corporation or the Town of Northport. The information provided on this website is provided as a service to the community.  Visit the Northport Village Corporation’s website at

Board of Overseers Meetings

Pre-2001 Annual Reports

Utilities Committee Meetings

2025 Meetings

Other NVC Committee Meetings
