2009-02-03 Bayside Thaw by Nealey
2009-10-20 Color Among the Evergreens by Barnard
2009-09-18 After the Rain by Irby
2009-07-20 Moonrise Over Islesboro by Webster
2009-04-27 Thinking of Summer by Sprock
2009-02-02 All Together Now by Noyes
2009-01-30 Shadows in the Snow by Mabee
2009-01-15 Thursday Cookout by Ekberg
2009-05-08 All Alone by Eastty
2009-03-25 Wooden Wagon by Keith
2009-06-05 Boat School Graduation by Lightner
2009-01-29 Moonscape or Mainescape by Bradford
2009-10-08 Julies Miracle by Mazur
2009-03-05 Future Raspberries by Rohweder
2009-03-23 Beech Snow by Crofoot
2009-08-29 Petes Team by Samway
2009-02-20 Mussel Farm Tracks by Barnard
2009-03-27 Ice Breaking Up by Sander
2009-08-20 Reflective by Nelson
2009-05-21 Bayside Calendar
2009-08-14 Sailing Crew by Kelly
2009-04-17 Bayview Park by Keith
2009-03-13 A Beautiful Life by Keith
2009-09-04 Beautiful Morning by Samway
2009-11-20 Winter Preview by Barnard
2009-03-02 Lobster Fest by Smith
2009-03-18 It Must Be Spring by Sherman
2009-04-29 Little River Runoff by Houghton
2009-03-30 Albino Moose by Krulis
2009-08-17 Whats for Breakfast by Leaming
2009-07-17 Low Bow by Baur
2009-11-16 Fish Out of Water by Fuller
2009-08-07 Girls Night Out by Spollett
2009-01-02 Crabbing by Nealey
2009-07-01 Greeting the Sun by Mabee
2009-04-24 Vinalhaven Close-Up Aerial by Nealey
2009-11-13 Stovepot by Murch
2009-10-21 Sunset Silhouettes by Keith
2009-09-11 Circle of Friends by Cassidy
2009-03-10 Drowned in Drifts by Stalla
2009-05-21 Bayside Calendar (from Dellx300)
2009-10-01 Into the Light by Hall
2009-10-26 Stair Kids by Bennett
2009-07-22 Bay Street Porch by Keith
Sherley and Harrison Keith
2009-02-26 Resting Float by Rohweder
2009-10-07 Never Enough by Von Bergen
2009-11-10 Bow-Wow by Cassidy
2009-09-16 Doggy Paddle by Leaming
2009-04-06 Adrift in Camden by Webster
2009-01-22 Sunrise Cornered by Stalla
2009-11-03 A Most Interesting Sky by Barnard
2009-11-17 Late Bloomer by Stalla
2009-11-11 Webster by Webster
2009-12-04 Grazing by Mazur
2009-03-17 Between Starts by Smith
2009-10-02 Cadillac Mountain Silhouettes by Keith
2009-08-19 Pickering Island Cruise by Kelly
2009-08-11 Summer Splash by Leaming
2009-04-02 Bulletin Board by Barnard
2009-08-25 In a Pickle by Webster
2009-12-07 Climb Aboard by Wolfire
2009-05-14 Sailing into the Rainbow by Baraiola
2009-02-02 All Together Now by Noyes
2009-07-10 Oh Thats What Theyre Looking At by Kelly
2009-04-01 April Pools by Keith
2009-02-16 Feet Up by Smith
2009-08-26 Art in the Park by Sherman
2009-11-30 Noreaster Heads South by Barnard
Those Were The Days, My Friend
Those Were The Days, My Friend
2009-03-24 Snowboxes by Stalla
2009-02-10 Behind the Camden Stores by Keith
2009-10-31 Pumpkin Eater by Cassidy
2009-07-29 Dock Kids by Webster
2009-08-12 Buoy by Barnard
2009-07-13 Early in the Season by Staples
2009-01-01 Sunrise Overkill by Sprock
At the risk of “Sunrise Overkill”, here is another one!
Today is the Around Islesboro Race. This is a photo taken at sunrise this morning showing the island completely shrouded in fog. The conditions at sunrise were about 62 degrees and NO wind. Some of the artifacts from hurricane Hanna are expected late tonight or tomorrow morning. We will see what if any of that storm has on the race which starts at 10:00 am.
2009-07-08 Early Morning Gig by Bradford
The Gig returns after an early, foggy row July 4th
2009-06-24 Riggers by Leaming
2009-12-17 Scale by Nelson
I always get a welcome reminder of the scale of “me” relative to the big world here.
2009-10-30 Oz in Searsport by Cassidy
2009-03-16 Dr Seuss Icicles by Sheridan
2009-12-11 All Together by Webster
2009-08-18 Seaworthy by Norton
2009-03-31 Columbia Boston by Barnard
2009-04-10 Mother and Daughter by Stalla
Common Ground Fair
2009-07-24 Walter Downs Regatta Winners by Webster
2009-04-16 Sunrise at Cadillac Mountain by Barnard
2009-07-30 Ready for Pancakes by Hall
2009-06-17 Skidmore Commencement by Webster
2009-10-27 Fleet at Rest by Nelson
2009-12-25 Santa Tim by Samway
2009-10-16 Thats All Folks by Trenholm
2009-11-25 No Rudder by Kelly
2009-07-02 Bayside in June by Gillock
2009-04-03 These Days Are Past by Sebastianelli
2009-02-24 Webster Homestead by Brown
2009-01-21 Dog Walking by Barnard
This is Gerry Barnard and Reba, one of many dog walking pairs on Shore Road. By Walter Barnard
2009-11-19 Sunnyside by Thayer
2009-06-29 First Cruise Ship of the Season by Barnard
2009-03-20 Winter Wonderland by Lojek
2009-07-03 Sponge Relay Toss by Ekberg
Ethan participating in the sponge relay summer 2008
2009-11-02 Rock Man by Brown
2009-10-15 Generations by Samway
2009-05-12 Aglow by Keith
2009-09-15 End of Summer Party by Higgins
2009-11-23 Dogwalkers by Barnard
2009-03-12 Union Cottage Waiting for Thaw by Hall
2009-01-28 Purple Ticket by Sheffield
2009-11-05 Vericoast Vines by Reilly
2009-06-01 Leaked Model Photo
2009-03-26 Barbara and Galen
2009-09-22 Bayview Fog by Nelson
2009-04-21 Swim Float by Lojek
2009-09-08 Green Carpet by Reilly
2009-09-01 Ready to Serve by Dahlberg
2009-02-17 Carless Broadway by Sheffield
2009-06-30 Warren Island Cruise by Staples
2009-09-25 Bay Swimmer by Smith
Carol Kuhn on a routine swim from Kelly Cove to the NYC dock and back again.
2009-12-01 Endless Summer by Huning
2009-05-15 Starfish Collector by Noyes
2009-08-09 Barquentine Peacemaker by Bradford
2009-03-04 Complementary Colors by Barnard
2009-09-07 Mass of Masts by Sprock
2009-06-26 Belfast Farmers Market by Barnard
2009-05-06 Wooden Boat on the Water by Kelly
2009-06-11 Dan Webster Addresses Class of 2009 by Webster
Jr. Yacht Club 74
Jr. Yacht Club 74
2009-05-07 Looking for Summer by Trenholm
2009-12-23 Christmas Cardinal by Smith
2009-10-05 The Biggest Puddle by Lojek
2009-07-31 Williams Fire by Cassidy
2009-10-23 Bayside-Pure Gold by Mabee
2009-03-13 A Beautiful Life by Keith
2009-08-27 Id Climb a Mountain for a Cocktail by Samway
2009-07-28 Debating Sailing Strategy by Kelly
2009-08-31 Sunset Swimmers by Keith
2009-12-10 High High Tide by Mabee
2009-06-04 Bay Street Cottage by Keith
2009-11-12 The Moon The Moon by Stalla
2009-04-20 Sunrise Silhouette by Stalla
2009-02-06 Cottage Cluster by Stables
2009-09-24 Camden at Dusk by Cassidy
2009-06-16 Not the Shortest Distance by Staples
2009-01-20 No Activities Today by Stelmack
2009-05-25 Work in Progress by Kazilionis
2009-02-13 Seal on Ice by Crofoot
2009-02-19 Bayside Ladies Day Out by Spollett
2009-04-23 Wabbit Wipeout by Coughlin
Wabbit Wipeout!!
Jim Coughlin and crew trying out the spinnaker out for the fist time on the Wylie Wabbit.
submitted by Jim Coughlin
2009-05-20 Dough Boy by Beale
2009-08-20 Reflective by Nelson
2009-04-22 Waiting for Summer by Sprock
2009-02-18 Penobscot Turkeys by Sawyer
2009-07-29 Dock Kids by Webster
2009-12-21 Pioneer Cottage Decorated by Hede
2009-04-21 Swim Float by Lojek
2009-11-18 Rock Collage by Bennett
2009-12-03 Little Harbor by Murch
2009-12-16 Stained Glass by Murch
2009-06-23 Maine Is Purple All Over by Barnard
2009-03-09 Can You Guess by Sheridan
driftwood – bleached in the sun and encrusted with pebbles
driftwood – bleached in the sun and encrusted with pebbles
2009-06-08 Happy Anniversary Dan and Lisa
2009-01-05 Snow Blown by Mabee
2009-07-09 Now Everyone Run to the Other Side by Kelly
2009-09-28 Calendars for Sale by Sprock
2009-04-28 Shadow of His Former Self by DeCarlo
2009-07-21 Best Car Wash in Town by Staples
2009-01-26 Eagle Activity by Plummer
2009-05-05 Naked Wharf Sunrise by Staples
2009-09-04 Beautiful Morning by Samway
2009-09-12 Calm Start by Stalla
2009-02-25 Shore Road Snow by Barnard
2009-09-02 American Glory Docks in Belfast by Bradford
2009-05-18 NYC Merchandise Yearbook
2009-04-30 Quiet Bay by Webster
2009-10-13 Deck Chairs by Trenholm
2009-01-27 Park Row in Pastels by Conner
The ramp to the swimming float. Not as steep at high tide as it is at low tide.
The ramp to the swimming float. Not as steep at high tide as it is at low tide.
2009-02-05 Double Decker by Stalla
2009-06-25 Lightening Up by Kelly
2009-04-08 Seabird in Honduras by Montgomery
2009-12-18 Close to Shore by Barnard
2009-07-27 Rented Out by Webster
2009-05-11 Mother and Son by Cassidy
2009-11-06 Moonbeam by Barnard
2009-01-12 Drifting by Mabee
2009-09-17 Harrison on Porch by Keith
2009-09-10 Ritual by Nelson
I think I have taken a picture of this rock nearly every summer we’ve been here. It has become almost a ritual of reunion. The markings look like runes to me.
2009-02-23 Winter Wonderland by Lacoste
2009-01-06 Park Snow by Stelmack
2009-08-06 Thank You from Brad Williams by Samway
2009-07-14 Overseers by Samway
2009-10-29 Window Dressing by Cassidy
2009-09-29 Walking Fox by von Bergen
2009-03-03 Snow Mountain at Renys Ellsworth by Spollett
2009-12-28 Isle Owl by Gray
2009-12-31 Flying Bob by Stetser
2009-09-13 BBQ Chef by Sherman
2009-02-09 Bonfire on Islesboro by Giles
2009-09-17 Harrison on Porch by Keith
2009-01-16 Gone South by Stalla
2009-08-13 Atlantic Challenge Crew by Kelly
2009-01-14 Lonely Wharf by Stelmack
2009-10-22 Heres Looking at You Kid by Higgins
2009-11-04 Weathered Wood by Samway
2009-12-09 Handful of Snail by Barnard
2009-01-07 Returning Sailors by Ekberg
2009-01-19 Its Cold Up Here by Mabee
2009-09-09 Moon on the Bay by Reilly
2009-10-12 Bayside Woodpecker by Sheffield
2009-07-06 Egg Toss by Samway
2009-06-15 Andrew Dugal Graduates by Samway
2009-12-29 Blue Towels by Ellis
2009-01-17 Sea Smoke and Minus 22 by Mazur
2009-04-15 I Love the NYC Fleece by Kelly
Jonathan Coughlin loves the fleece
2009-01-23 First Full Moon of 2009 by Leaming
Bill Ragen, left, of Belfast and Stan Stalla of Bayside checked out the first full moon of 2009 at the wharf at Bayside on Jan. 10.
2009-08-21 Learning the Ropes by Spollett
2009-05-29 The Three Musketeers by Small
2009-04-07 Sweet 16 Alli Webster
2009-12-30 Resting for the Winter by Mabee
2009-12-22 Merry Christmas from the Barnards
2009-08-05 Garden Conversation by Webster
2009-01-09 Moose at Moose Point by Smit
2009-01-08 Happy Birthday Charmaine
2009-06-12 Happy 54th Anniversary Ed and Rozanne
2009-06-10 Lafayette Graduation by Stalla
2009-07-15 Auction Chairwoman
2009-02-12 Little Bear in Hibernation by Barnard
2009-04-09 The End of Winter by Barnard
2009-10-14 Morning Star by Barnard
2009-07-16 Raw Faith by Webster
2009-05-13 Short Cruise by Barnard
2009-09-30 Rear View by Cassidy
2009-09-21 Farewell to Summer by Mazur
2009-07-31 Garden Party by Webster
2009-08-28 Final Push by Mabee
2009-12-14 Morning Catch by Maass
2009-06-22 Ladies of Bayside by Trenholm
2009-05-19 On Her Way by Meisner
2009-08-10 Kitty Kids by Spollett
2009-09-03 Masterpiece Theater by Nelson
It looked like a moment from a Masterpiece Theater production – an immaculate Citroen appears perfectly at home.
2009-02-27 Snow Graffiti by Crofoot
2009-02-11 Makes You Wish It Were Summer by Bradford
2009-05-26 Memorial Day on Church Street by Block
2009-02-04 Iced by Stelmack
2009-05-28 First on Mooring by Block
2009-03-19 Quiet Late August by Nealey
2009-10-06 Rough Seas by Webster
2009-06-09 Waldos 90th by Haverty
2009-05-27 Happy Grad Tory
2009-07-07 The Lone Irishman by Coughlin
2009-08-24 Yellow Canoe by Dahlberg
2009-09-14 Civil Disobedience by Mayer
2009-04-14 Back into the Water by Nealey
2009-08-29 For the Love of Pete by Samway
2009-03-06 Heritage Park by Bradford
Can you find the picnic tables at Heritage Park in Belfast?
2009-05-22 Rafting in the Rain by Webster
2009-07-23 Warren Island Group by Huntoon
2009-12-24 Happy Holidays from the Websters
2009-03-11 Ski Patrol by Trenholm
2009-05-01 Turkey Revival Meeting by Barnard
Tom turkey revival meeting on Shore Road.
2009-06-18 NYC Merchandise
2009-04-13 Jim Coughlin Overlooking Innisbruck
2009-01-13 NYC Party by Leaming