Select the year for which you’d like to view the photo archives using the menu below. Photos are presented in random order.
We’ve been publishing a Bayside Picture-of-the-Day on most weekdays for over 20 years. That’s a lot of photos! Check out our most recent photos in our Instagram feed, but you’ll find our archives on these pages.
Thank you to all our contributing photographers.
If you’d like to contribute photos for possible inclusion, please email them to us at
2016-05-23 Authors Presentation by Linn
2016-02-08 Slugfest by Berger
2016-05-17 Bayside Beauty by Reilly
2016-03-15 Bayside Nope by Huning
2016-12-22 Baysider Christmas Party by Cressey
2016-08-12 Come Dance by Webster
2016-11-22 Sitting by the Dock of the Bay by Smith
2016-12-06 Retirement by Lightner
2016-06-01 Engaged by Cassidy
2016-11-16 Super Moon by Kuhn
2016-06-06 Sure Sign of Summer by Lightner
2016-05-05 Geagan Girls by Geagan
2016-02-15 Swearing In by Samway
2016-10-10 Bayside Sunrise by Huntoon
2016-10-05 Driving Grumpies Sailboat by Alley
2016-05-12 Races of 1939 from Crofoot
2016-04-15 The Return by Trenholm
2016-07-26 Doing It Right by Field
2016-10-13 Retired Skipper by Witherill
2016-05-18 Heading North by Cassidy
2016-09-05 Chilin by Leaming
2016-05-02 Final Farewell by Smith
2016-06-24 Grad-of-the-Day Owen Lojek
2016-09-09 A Bayside Sunset by Staples
2016-03-18 Cozy Cabin by Lawson
2016-04-04 Once a Tree in Camden by Keith
2016-02-05 Snail Race by Wolfire
2016-06-07 Out with the Old In with the New by Paige
2016-08-24 Sister Act 2 by Kolarsick
2016-08-18 Going to the Dogs by Hall
2016-08-11 Warren Island Group by Ekberg
2016-08-23 Hideaway Breakfast by Trenholm
2016-04-27 The Swing of Things by Paige
2016-01-12 Sibling Riflery by Coughlin
2016-03-24 Heap of Lobster by Wolfire
2016-07-01 Turtle Head Gold by Samway
2016-10-07 Time to Take Out the Moorings by Webster
2016-10-17 Slow Progress by Webster
2016-09-01 Warren Island Chaperone by Lannan
2016-01-25 Its a Start by Wilt
2016-05-25 Lobster Party by Stetser
2016-08-22 Off into the Sunset by Giles
2016-06-02 Grad-of-the-Day Nadim El-Jaroudi
2016-08-09 Reaching to Read by Crosby
2016-12-13 Locked Up for the Winter by Cressey
2016-11-15 Warming Up by Reilly
2016-12-25 Merry Christmas from the Webster Family
2016-05-27 Summer Breeze by Nelson
2016-04-01 Morning Walk by Barnard
2016-07-21 Park Row Porch Party by Samway
2016-04-28 Hugged by a Bear by Leonard
2016-01-26 Pesky Woodpeckers by Barnard
2016-03-28 Sunrise on Bay Street by Barnard
2016-09-27 Away We Go by Wolfire
2016-08-25 Leaving Castine by Webster
2016-09-30 Gourd Patch by Smith
2016-03-11 A Lifestyle to Chair-ish by Reilly
2016-06-27 Northport Point That Is by Kelly
2016-05-03 Training Fire by Tabb
2016-04-07 Wharf Supervisor by Webster
2016-12-05 Friday Night Raft-Up by Baker
2016-03-03 Not All Fun and Games by Hall
2016-12-19 Happy Birthday Sailor by Ekberg
2016-09-20 Belfast Gigs by Samway
2016-11-03 Moon Over Bayside by Sidoti
2016-11-29 Summers Out of Reach by Smith
2016-03-08 That Extra Mile by Kelly
2016-06-02 Mea Culpa by Reilly
2016-01-08 Happy Birthday Charmaine by Webster
2016-06-17 Beautiful Belfast by Leadbetter
2016-11-14 Relay Race by Spritz
2016-01-31 Photog by Samway
2016-01-20 Early Morning in Belfast by Sanderson
2016-03-17 Spring Is in the Air by Leadbetter
2016-11-01 Out with the Old by Paige
2016-09-28 Raft Fail by Barnard at Kellys Cove
2016-09-19 Assembling the Fleet by Wright
2016-03-31 Along the Beach by Nelson
2016-06-13 Preparing the Fleet by Gambino
2016-11-18 Darbys Maine-iacs by Lannan
2016-10-25 Fungus Amongus by Starkman
2016-06-10 Early Arrivals by Gambino
2016-02-10 Beach Color by Webster
2016-07-07 A Foggy Morning by Barnard
2016-01-19 Rob’s Cake by Sherman
2016-03-01 Curling Up in the Winter by Lannan
2016-11-23 Patiently Waiting by Kazilionis
2016-01-15 Blue Moonstreak by Komp
2016-08-05 Friends for Life by Strauber
2016-01-04 Quiet Summer Day by Nelson
2016-06-20 Work Party by Linn
2016-07-27 Line Up by Melton
2016-05-06 Seal of Approval by Lightner
2016-02-16 Peanut Butter and Jelly by Wolfire
2016-07-12 Fifth-Gen Lissa by Parsloe
2016-04-25 Front Street Tug by Fuller
2016-06-16 Grad-of-the-Day Georgie Wilt
2016-12-07 Approaching Storm by Lannan
2016-10-20 Fall on Rogers Lane by Webster
2016-07-11 Just Put the Weather in Perspective by Paige
2016-11-30 Friends Forever by Ellsworth
2016-12-26 Lunch Time by Ptak
2016-05-19 Morning Lightshow by Staples
2016-11-10 Samway Cousins by Samway
2016-10-21 Bayside Beauty by Herron
2016-05-24 Framed by Carlton Smith
2016-09-16 Dinghy Nap Time by Dubrow
2016-09-22 Ruggles Park and Auditorium Park from Water
2016-06-15 Summer Is Here by Leaming
2016-08-08 Bayside Helpers by Sherman
2016-05-30 Sunset by McGee
2016-09-21 Two Kinds of Waves by Reilly
2016-12-28 Last Treat by Trenholm
2016-04-26 Spring Ritual by Hall
2016-07-22 Pancake Breakfast Sunday by Hall
2016-03-16 Cool Rocks by Ruggles
2016-08-29 Reeling Them In by Linn
2016-01-18 Big Boat by Lannan
2016-04-19 Happy Anniversary NGC by Herron
2016-02-19 Casting a Long Shadow by Miska
2016-01-21 Waffle Wharf by Leadbetter
2016-02-26 Bayside in Key West by Stuen
2016-07-19 Rainy Day Baker by Hall
2016-01-06 We Are Selfie Worthy by Samway
2016-02-25 Reflection in an Old Window by Keith
2016-10-28 Orange You Glad Its Fall by Smith
2016-04-21 If It Still Works by Santerre
2016-01-05 Winter Footsteps by Hall
2016-12-09 Baysiders Take Times Square by Trasatti
2016-08-03 The Fog Lifts by Staples
2016-02-04 Mud Clam Bonanza by Dubrow
2016-06-10 Grad-of-the-Day John Eliot Williams
2016-01-22 Storm Beyond Bayside by Nelson
2016-08-10 Swearing In by Samway
2016-06-06 Grad-of-the-Day Sarah Grindle
2016-07-20 Red Jacket Regatta Team by Ekberg
2016-02-18 Guys at the Pound by Bewsher
2016-05-26 Lovejoys by Allen
2016-05-11 Country Club Crowd by Lannan
2016-04-18 Swing Set Down by Lannan
2016-12-27 New Road for Some by Barnard
2016-02-01 Just Before Dawn by Smith
2016-05-10 Thanksgiving Parade by Cassidy
2016-03-14 Lincolnville Beach by Sawyer
2016-06-23 Team JdV by Kelly
2016-07-28 Proud Colors by Wilson
2016-09-08 Commuting by Board by Kelly
2016-10-31 Sharktopus by Webster
2016-09-07 Well Done by Reilly
2016-06-13 Grads-of-the-Day Brad and Jamie Scholhamer
2016-07-15 Whats Going on Out There by Wolfire
2016-10-12 White Rock and Orange Tree by Witherill
2016-01-11 Bayside Brothers by Knott
2016-11-21 Happy 25th Anniversary Jim and Sharlene Kelly
2016-06-08 Grads-of-the-Day Lizzie and India Tonkin
2016-07-06 Tug-o-War by Spritz
2016-11-09 Penobscot Bay Sunrise by Samway
2016-02-23 Youre the Man by Leaming
2016-03-21 Growth Spurt by Lightner
2016-05-31 Grad-of-the-Day Camy Crosby
2016-07-18 Red Jacket Regatta by Wolfire
2016-09-13 Son of a Son of a Sailor by Witherill
2016-06-07 Graduation-of-the-Day Anne Marie Samway
2016-12-29 Rogers Lane by BHPS
2016-02-12 Pileated Woodpecker by Barnard
2016-10-18 Little Library by Tabb
2016-07-04 Ready for the Fourth by Hall
2016-01-28 Off Turtle Head at Sunset by Trenholm
2016-10-27 Small World Take Two by Trasatti
2016-01-27 Dedicated Public Servants by Samway
2016-11-28 November Jaunt by Hall
2016-02-09 Red Jacket Team by Wolfire
2016-02-24 Red Jacket Duo by Wolfire
2016-05-16 Clowning Around by Cressey
2016-12-15 Yacht Club Show by Coughlin
2016-10-14 Girls on the Dock by Corbett
2016-06-22 Bayside Wisteria by Hall
2016-11-17 Open for Business by Cressey
2016-07-25 Happy 50th Mike and Homa Samway by Samway
2016-06-16 Swim Floats Next by Cressey
2016-10-03 A Chance Encounter by Webster
2016-04-08 Kayak Point of View by Barnard
2016-06-08 Happy in Bayside by Webster
2016-07-29 Foggy Morning in Bayside by Kriel
2016-05-09 JdV Crew by Samway
2016-06-09 Rondo Returns by Hall
2016-03-04 Sizzlin Sal Sunset by Samway
2016-02-11 A Slice of Bayside by Eastty
2016-02-17 Wharf Ice by Granston
2016-12-12 Bayside Deleafed by Linn
2016-03-09 Turning a Paige by Paige
2016-07-13 Suds by Samway
2016-04-29 Moonrise Over Islesboro by Sapoch
2016-06-24 First Jump of the Summer by Dubrow
2016-06-14 Grad-of-the-Day Lucas Hickman
2016-01-14 Good Morning Saturday Cove by Barnard
2016-12-20 Last Meal by Barnard
2016-09-06 Through a Glass Dimly by Smith
2016-06-09 Grad-of-the-Day Rachael Wolley
2016-09-14 Renovated Library by Brockway
2016-08-04 Fleet Raft-Up by Ekberg
2016-05-13 Perfect Bowline by Nelson
2016-05-31 Season Greeting by Leaming
2016-04-20 Maple Street Dig by Paige
2016-03-22 The Big Dog by Ruch
2016-08-15 Allison and Michael by Smith
2016-04-11 Commodore Cassidy by Cassidy
2016-03-30 Camden Harbor from Mount Battie by Wolfire
2016-02-22 Hardy Bird of Paradise by Granston
2016-09-12 Center of the Universe by Samway
2016-09-10 And Theyre Off by Samway
2016-01-13 Wishful Thinking by Hall
2016-09-29 Bayside Cowlick by Starkman
2016-02-02 Bayside Winter Fairyland by Hall
2016-08-26 Perfect Day to Fly the Flag by Serlenga
2016-11-02 High Tide by Corbett
2016-10-04 Showtime by Reilly
2016-05-20 Scrollwork by Spritz
2016-12-24 Paiging Santa by Samway
2016-09-23 BINGO by Trenholm
2016-06-01 Grad-of-the-Day Harrison Corbett
2016-04-12 Whats Missing by Fuller
2016-12-16 Eighteen Below This Morning by Crofoot
2016-03-02 Barnacle Race by Reilly
2016-10-06 Delightful by Leaming
2016-06-03 Morning Fog by Spritz
2016-10-19 Tranquility by Starkman
2016-08-30 Inaugural Retired Skippers Race by Samway
2016-07-08 Swim Ladder Sunset by Ryan
2016-11-04 Ice Cottages by Barnard
2016-03-07 Ice Breakers by Leaming
2016-03-10 Better Than Nothing by Lightner
2016-08-17 Evening Cruise with the Gals by Lannan
2016-04-05 Baysides New Author by Witherill
2016-08-19 Story Hour by Nelson
2016-04-13 Cuban Expedition by Reilly
2016-12-31 The Sun Sets on Another Year by Nelson
2016-09-02 Waving Goodbye to Summer by Samway
2016-07-05 Centennial Scramble by Huntoon
2016-10-24 Time to Face Up to It by Cressey
2016-10-26 Walter and His Fan Club by Corbett
2016-08-02 Putting the Yard in Yard Sale by Cassidy